campus students have a dream for an ideal job and perfect life very few picture
the journey to making it a reality. Immediately after school you will see
graduates distributing resumes to different companies. The heart breaking part
is that very few companies are looking to employ fresh graduates. So very few
graduates get feedback for the jobs they apply for. For those who get
interviews very few are selected and for those selected the salary is not
attractive. This is when despair kicks in.
problem is very few graduates get guidance of how to get where they want. The
best advice one can get is on how to write the most impressive CV or cover
letter. Others go to the extent of advising graduates on how to behave during
an interview. All these counselors rarely focus on how to lead one to a dream
wide spread gospel is of volunteering, interning or starting a business. I have
nothing against this but to be honest where will the finance or experience
needed in the job market come from? The option of interning or volunteering is
attractive but for how long will one survive without pay in these harsh
economic times? As for self employment it is the best idea but will the economy
be supported by only businesses? This is not the worst case scenario; the worst
would be when all the crucial posts continue to be occupied by senior citizens.
They do have a lot of experience but certainly they lack energy and fresh
ideas. Fresh graduates need a chance!
should give the university students a hint of what to expect outside campus.
This is not all more companies should establish departments that will recruit
more fresh graduates. The government should also come up with a mechanism to
absorb graduates into the various departments. Those who would miss out on
these opportunities can then take up self employment comfortably.
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