It is now in the public domain that University students are hiring ‘experts’ to do their research, thesis and even take away assignments. This is not news, we already knew. How else would these ‘experts’ be making money.
concern that, the Kenyan Universities are producing half backed graduates. I hold similar concerns and that is why not so long ago I wrote of how double intake is compromising the quality of education. As for now let us shift our focus to the forces that are pushing students to employ ‘experts’ to do their work for them.
To begin with, there is the societal pressure. Every student is expected to excel in school even if they are not ‘A students’. For fear of disappointing one’s parents and siblings, students opt to pay someone who will make them shine. The busy schedules are also another factor. Most University students are working somewhere while others still have families. Between work, family and class, little time is spared for research.
Another obvious reason why people hiring ‘experts’, is the lack of understanding the concept of research. This could either be because the concept is poorly taught or it is not taught at all. Let us not forget laziness which is very common among university students.
Let us look at other aspects that compromise the graduates from the Kenyan Universities. A very familiar concept is that of unmarked examination scripts. Most students end up with undeserving marks and their true efforts go unrewarded. This reduces the morale of students greatly which makes them not work hard at all.
There is also the issue of sex for grades which has been debated on and condemned for years but still continue to take place. And yet again students are rewarded for undeserving efforts. This results into graduates who actually know nothing related to their field or profession.
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