Tuesday 2 September 2014

Why Would Anyone Attack KRCS Staff?

More than 50 people have lost their lives following the inter-clan clashes currently going on between the Degodia and Garre communities.
The media has tried to find out the cause of these clashes but no matter the cause people are losing lives.

These communities have been neighbours for decades but it happens that every now and then they lose faith in each other and turn against each other due to competition for limited resources or because of the ethnic differences. This is not reason enough for killing each other. It is time that we move past ethnicity and see each other as partners towards development.

That is beside the point. Today, I write with a heavy heart as I reflect on the endless efforts by Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to offer humanitarian services without discrimination. We all have a clue of the extent that Kenya Red Cross staff and volunteers go to so as to offer a helping hand in time of need. I am always proud to say that I am a youth member and volunteer of Kenya Red Cross Society.

The Kenya Red Cross Society has seven major guiding principles: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. I am not planning on giving you a lecture on the principles but I just want us all to reflect n these principles.

It is very unfortunate that, on Sunday 24Th August 2014, KRCS E-Plus Ambulance was attacked a few kilometres from Rhamu. The militia injured one of the KRCS staff and rendered the ambulance immobile. Thank God, the police got there in time and rescued the crew.

Following this attack, KRCS was forced to temporarily suspend E-plus Ambulance services in Mandera North. The victims of the clashes were left with no one to offer first aid services to the injured or to provide supplies/ relief to the displaced.

I cannot comprehend how we sit in our living rooms comfortably every evening and watch the news on how people are dying in Mandera and nobody takes action. I am yet to see harsh measures by our government to curb the menace. To the opposition, if your claims for a better Kenya are genuine, quit the referendum talk and start initiatives that will help people in Mandera.

KRCS staff and volunteers may be driven by compassion but they can only do so much. It is time for the main players to do their job. Unless you take action, EVERY LIFE LOST IS ON YOU!!!!!!!

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