Friday, 29 November 2013

Shocking: Men Have larger Noses Than Women

I knew men and women were created differently but what I did not know is that, men have bigger noses. I am sure all of you did not know.
A new study has

Monday, 18 November 2013

Contraceptives Can Be An Alternative To Abortion

Last week as I wrote on family planning my aim was to clear all myths and misconception. Today I feel that more people need the information due to the rise in the number of abortions being carried out in the country. 

A study by African Population and Health Research Centre in August revealed that there were 464,690 abortions procured in Kenya last year.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Analysis of Every Day Pills

They must be taken every day of every month, for 21 – 35 days depending on the type, even if the woman does not have sex every day. They should be taken at the same time each day. This helps a woman to remember and reduce some side effects.
ü  Can be bought at

Analysis of Emergency Pills (Morning after Pills)

They are taken by a woman after unprotected sex, or in case of emergency e.g. rape or condom burst. They must be taken within 5 days after unprotected sex. There is no harm in taking often, but not recommended due to high dose of hormones and low effectiveness compared to

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Analysis of Family Planning Injections

Some common examples are Femiplan and Depo Proveva. They are injected by a health provider in a woman’s arm, buttock or thigh every month or every three months. A woman should not delay injections by more than 2 weeks

Analysis of Family Planning Implants

They are small sticks the size of match sticks inserted by a health provider in a woman’s arm, under the skin. Examples are, Implanon,

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Analysis of the Copper IUCD (coil)

This is an object made of plastic with copper wires, and strings at the bottom and is inserted in a woman’s uterus by a health provider. It can protect a woman for 12 years, but can be removed at any time if she

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A Breif Description of Contraceptives

I will be looking at different types of contraceptives in brief then latter I shall provide much detail. Let’s begin with the Combined Pill which contains oestrogen and progestogen. Being 99 percent effective it works by preventing ovulation. However,

Monday, 11 November 2013

Cervical Cancer at a glance

cancer symbol photo: cancer symbol 769168511.jpg 
The breast cancer awareness month is over but that does not mean the sensitization should stop. There are other types of cancer such as cervical cancer which is still killing women.
Cervical cancer is uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in a woman’s cervix. It is caused by a virus called HPV,

Friday, 8 November 2013

The Unbeliveable Brookhouse Fees Structure..

  I saw this fees structure on Nairobi Wire and had to share with you.
Tuition Only
Boarding & Tuition
Early Years
Year 1
Year’s 2 - 5
Year’s 6 - 8
Year’s 9 – 11
Year’s 12 – 13
BTEC courses
These fees are payable at the commencement of each term (September, January and April) in Kenyan Shillings or US Dollars.The academic year for the School is split into three terms and runs September – July.